Find a Specific Book

Hello! This page is best used in conjunction with module INF 101, section 2.

So you're asked to find the following book:

1. On the Library homepage (my.mcphs/edu/library) click on the tab for Books & Videos. Type in the TITLE of the book you're looking for into the search box, as pictured:

Notice that I didn't enter the entire title. When you are searching for a source with a very lengthy title, you can type it all in, or you can just type enough of it so it's still clear what book you are searching for. Either way is correct.

2. Then, I'm going to select Title from the drop down menu right below the "Search for" box. After that, I'll click on the Search button.

 3. Because there is only one book with this title in the catalog, I am brought directly to its record.

Pay attention to the information where it says "Holdings Information." This will tell you whether the title is an e-book or a physical book. If it's an e-book, there will be links to it. Otherwise, you will see which library has it, what its call number is, and if it is currently available.

In this example, Human-Animal Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Zoonoses, Toxicants, and Other Shared Health Risks is a physical book that is located in the MCPHS Boston Library, its call number is RC113.5 .R33 2010, and it is currently available.

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